I didn’t think I would post again tonight,
but I’ve been given no choice. There are some things that just need to be
stated and here it is.
This is my response to an
article that I read tonight, Christian Grey has autism written by Allison
Zeiring Walmark. I have also included the link to this article so that those
who read this post may have access to what I consider an article written in
very poor taste by a self-proclaimed “arm chair expert.”
My response
I'm so glad that I took the time to read
this article before deciding to share it on twitter. I don't quite know what to
say, but I will do my best to say it gently. I am 47 years old and diagnosed
with Asperger's Disorder. Living on the spectrum for 47 years does not qualify
me as an expert. There are some defining issues that allow professions to issue
a diagnosis, but even then the lines between Asperger's and some other
diagnosis are very thin at best. I do not understand how you feel that you are
qualified to make such a statement as this, "Secondly, I know autism when
I see it. Autism and my family have had a complicated, often contentious
“frenemy-like” relationship for four plus years. Ethan, my 6-year-old son, was
diagnosed at age 2." Please explain to me how you know so much about Autism
with the limited amount of exposure you speak so highly of. Your child does not
define what living on the spectrum is. Your child is your child who happens to
be on the spectrum. It appears that you know something of your child, but very
little else. Also, how dare you say Autistics have no empathy. I myself and
many of my Aspie friends are highly empathetic, almost to a flaw. We are often
overwhelmed by emotions. So with regards to your knowledge of Autism, I
strongly suggest that you put down your pen for a while and continue working on
building your knowledge base. And please...please remember to write more
responsibly. Thank you.
As I stated earlier, here is
the link for the article Christian
Grey has autism. Please take a moment to read this article and you will
understand why I and a few others replied the way we did.
http://www.sheknows.com/parenting/articles/964339/a-spectrum-of-grey (if clicking on the link does not work, try cutting and pasting it in the web address line at the top of this page).
Christian Grey has autism
Christian Grey — yes,
that Christian Grey — has autism. How do I know? Well, for starters, I’ve read
the Fifty
Shades trilogy at least five
times, so in addition to making me one of the more pathetic people in this
world, it also makes me an armchair expert on the comings and goings (pun
intended) of Christian Grey. - written by Allison Zeiring Walmark